Page name: Bad Spellers Unite!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-21 20:06:39
Last author: Cloudwatcher
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 17
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   This is a page deticated to those bad spellers who know it and are proud! we will someday rule the world, and our extream mad skillz at spelling we allow us to comunicate through letters, with great...great...(difficulty) ^_^ I am a badspeller and all who have talked to me, know so! I cant type very well also, that dosent help! people who can spell are rediculas..AH! I dont know how to spell!!! oh, thats the point...good show all!


1. To join just put your name (the link)
2. Show your bad spellers pride!(how ever you feel is likewize)
3.Please advertise this wiki with a banner, and a statement in your discription!! (with a link of course)


Wiki members : Bad Spellers Unite Members

OVER 100 MEMBERS!!!!! <'cheers'>

Clever Spellers Army for those who dont fit in here

YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club for those confuzzeld bad spelelrs^^ whatever that means....

Username (or number or email):


[Doubt]: Hello! join! and comment!!

[bluefan44]: he he he ^^

[bluefan44]: we need a badge..... mabie like a bee with a big red X on it hmmm... gimmie some ideas people!

[Doubt]: not sure, I will work on a badge soon, i havent had time. ideas are good! i need some ideas!

[Raiko Fire]: I know someone who was born to rule this wiki...I think I'll message her now...

[oxyJ3N]: oh i spell bad ask my friend i have can i join? pweeze

[Raiko Fire]: that would be her ^^

[Cloudwatcher]: lol join! just sign up, you dont need my permison!

[Doubt]: just so everyone knows. ^ kristen knopf is me 2, i have names

[bluefan44]: i have nemes tooo!

[oxyJ3N]: he he he eh....

[oxyJ3N]: dose ne body ever talk here

[Cloudwatcher]: sometimes. i think people should more, but i can treally controll it now can i....I will talk but its kinnda dumb to talk to yourself on this kind of thing...(i have 2 names, thats what i ment!

[froglegs]: mimpopnee

[oxyJ3N]: hye i am bad spller as you you canm tells

[froglegs]: good speller... bad speller... its all the same marketing!?!

[oxyJ3N]: ....?

[froglegs]: ...nothing...

[oxyJ3N]: k

[Cloudwatcher]: hey! a conversation! sorta, ^_^

[froglegs]: yay.. one small step for mankind but a giant step for us

[Cloudwatcher]: yea, well it dosnt seem to happen a lot here

[froglegs]: not a very big set of stairs i guess

[Doubt]: must be the case. we need more stairs! or a very large chair.... a bunch of them

[oxyJ3N]: ...

[Cloudwatcher]: get more people to join~

[oxyJ3N]: ....ok...

[Cloudwatcher]: well! lol hop to it!

[oxyJ3N]: ok!.... where have i heard that before

[jediaerin]: o good...all of you are in one place, that makes it easier to get rid of you! IT'S EDUCATION TIME!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: NO!!!!!! i will never be educated in the way of spellin! i like min! GAH!

[oxyJ3N]: ...i have already learnde how to speel i just forfet how... it whent in the head and striahgt back out... i cant remeber anything in shcool farther than 3 yrs..... i think i have a remembering problem....

[Cloudwatcher]: short term memory loss? or long trm? i have short trm, sometims. bt no one belives me.

[oxyJ3N]: ...i dont know hows this... once i forget i forget ...

[jediaerin]: come on...think about your words! Isn't that what you're on her for? To express yourself? Then do it correctly! You don't all want to sound like morons!

[Cloudwatcher]: well even if we coud spel, we would stil sound like mrons

[jediaerin]: well, it would give you more than a snowball's chance in hell...

[Cloudwatcher]: but we would still melt!!!

[jediaerin]: so? Everybody melts.

[froglegs]: everyone melts... and i run up and stick you in the freezer and turn you into icecream...muhahahahahaha, low fat icecream of course

[oxyJ3N]: .... *grabs a bouwl of ice-cream*... you know yuo guys makie goood icecream...

[Cloudwatcher]: i am being eaten and that kind of disterbs me... in more then one way....O.o oh well, sigh* joins in and eats some, wow! good stuff

[froglegs]: yup theres plenty to go around too.... huh? is that the munchies i see??? what have you people been doing!?!

[froglegs]: munchies... hehe

[Cloudwatcher]: how should i feel about that?what should i do? i am being devowerd. AM I THE COMMUNITY ICECREAM???

[champagnebommer 77]: I'm sorry, I've quit eating icecream...well, maybe just a bit.

[Cloudwatcher]: quit eating icecream?? blastfumy! ice cream rox!

[froglegs]: now the question of the universe... what flavor is the icecream?

[Cloudwatcher]:   a few kinds,Cotton Candy ice cream, Rocky road, Chocholate, Coffee ice cream(yum!), and mint choco chip... i think thats all... i may be wrong, there are quite a lot of people here..

[froglegs]: muhahahahahaha my evil plan is now complete... i take all the icecream and put it into trays and freezed it into ice cubes inwhich i use to cool my drinks muhahahahaha

[froglegs]: aaaaaaaaachhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo..... sorry i sneezed

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, ok now i am scared. but wouldnt t make the drinks taste funny?

[pinkhater]: huh?  ^^

[Cloudwatcher]: ice cream put in a drink would tast funny, unless its rootbeer! rootbeer floats

[champagnebommer 77]: I'm a bit scared too. What with all the icecream goj g about.

[Cloudwatcher]: i melted, and someone, turned me into icecream... long story, not really but, thats ok

[champagnebommer 77]: I guess I cna just read the comments if I really need to see it that badly.

[Cloudwatcher]: yea, it is all there, the whole long interesting story of how i became ice cream.. well, long ago in the land where everything is perfect and sweet, a frost came over the land, and all the happy people were very cold, but the lived on, fighting the cold. then along came the nasty gient who took the frosty people and took them home, added sugar and a few other ingredients, froze them agin, and took them out, and had himself a nice big bowl of ice cream, the people were so sweet before, it just added to the flavor of the ice cream. that was the first ice cream. and since then, people have found new ways to make ice cream, without the loss of life. congrads. now stop eating me

[champagnebommer 77]: That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard. And maybe more. But, I suppose it is fine and dandy anyway.

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, sometimes, my mind wonders into places farther then i can control! ^_^

[froglegs]: man... ive turned people into icecream...and still im not a member... but i must hang in there grasshopper,i must believe and make the dream a reality, if im in a time crunch all i need is to wad up some bazooka joe

[Cloudwatcher]: ???? your connfussing me!! >???

[froglegs]: dont feel bad circus pal... lots of people get confused

[Cloudwatcher]: O.o  meany! i am not from the circis! i only lived there 2 weeks!!!!!!! unfair assesment!

[froglegs]: still dont change the fact that ive turned people into icecream... and im still not on the members list

[Cloudwatcher]: well sure, you did, thats the whole base of our conversation here, nothing interesting would be said if it twasent for joo!!

[froglegs]: yup slate started the convo... but if you people wouldnt have melted in the first place then i wouldnt have turned you into icecream

[Cloudwatcher]: and the ice cream insident

[froglegs]: so this grants me the right to be on the members list

[Cloudwatcher]: yea! you could have been on it a long time ago! you dont have to ask me!

[froglegs]: ummm how would i do that

[Cloudwatcher]: ok. go to "edit page" click on it, and just add your name, there is also the link to the banner, just copy and paste it in our house.

[froglegs]: ummmm ahhh fawa-kawa, pusseh pusseh

[Cloudwatcher]: umm...what??

[froglegs]: lookie that... number 7 to the power of 3... slater...

[Cloudwatcher]: lol ok... what ever you say.... *

[champagnebommer 77]: I don't get it dudes and other peoples that happen to exhist in this world along with all thew rest of us, oh and I think reaslly solow.

[froglegs]: ahhh fawa-kawa, pusseh pusseh

[Cloudwatcher]: joo 4r3 r3ll4 \/\/3|r|>! 3y3 7|-|ink joo |\|33|> |-|3lp!!!

[champagnebommer 77]: I aswell think that slater is really wierd and needs help.

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ joo 5p34k l337? G|4|> 7o |-|34r i7!

[Cloudwatcher]: so did every one die or something????

[froglegs]: no we got all wierd and stuff

[Cloudwatcher]: oh , we wernt before? i need more information here...

[froglegs]: ummmmm do do do du boptopop

[froglegs]: a magic spell to make everyone go to sleep

[Cloudwatcher]: what if one was asleep before? would they wake up, or be forever sleeping? or would it not effect them?? this is important!

[froglegs]: im not a scientist... i dont think about those things until they happen

[Cloudwatcher]: well maybe you should think of these things before and then we wouldnt have to disus this little issue! right? what would you do if I died!? i would be sad...i think, maybe not...or waht about all the other poeple in here though i get the feeling its just you and me, no one else is pronounceing thier presence...

[froglegs]: well thats a chance YOUR willing to take

[Cloudwatcher]: it seems i am the only one though...its worth it..

[oxyJ3N]: 3y3 5p33l< l337! ^^

[Cloudwatcher]: y4Y! |O|.. 3Y3 4M 9L4|> 7O

[Cloudwatcher]: y4Y! |O|.. 3Y3 4M 9L4|> 7O NO7 83 4LO|\|3!  R34|> |\/|3G4+OK4O?

[jaderii]: I wanna join! I join!

[oxyJ3N]: |\/|36470l<40!

[Cloudwatcher]: so join! you dont need my permission! just go to "edit page" and type your name, and a little what you have to say, its not that hard to figure out. ^^

[Cloudwatcher]: 3y3 |u\/ |\/|36470l<40! ^_^

[froglegs]: dude...

[Cloudwatcher]: chick...

[froglegs]: chicklet

[Cloudwatcher]: dudet

[froglegs]: run, rabbit run, dig that hole forget the sun.

[Cloudwatcher]: fox, get the rabbit... the rabbit bit you. he is good to eat. but not him to eat you.

[froglegs]: i dont really perfer rabbits... i like tacos... and stuff

[Cloudwatcher]: i like cute bunnies... and tacos.. and stuff

[froglegs]: cant for get butterflys

[Cloudwatcher]: nope you cant..or mooses

[froglegs]: indeed

[Cloudwatcher]: I'm a flying squirl moose, fear my awsome moosey powers, flying squirl moose attack! AAHHHH!!!

[froglegs]: ummmmm...... are you alright???

[Cloudwatcher]: no, i am never ok...

[froglegs]: i didnt ask if ur ok.. i asked if your alright... jeez people today....

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, ok no i am never "alright" happy?! is your day complete now!! the moose will find you!!!

[froglegs]: im protected by the butterflys and birds

[Cloudwatcher]: da moose is better..he eats them, sometimes... no not really..the moose is a lot bigger then them though

[Cloudwatcher]: da moose is better..he eats them, sometimes... no not really..the moose is a lot bigger then them though!

[froglegs]: ummm.... but butterflys and birds can fly

[Cloudwatcher]: so can my flying squirl moose!

[froglegs]: but squirls dont really fly do they?

[Cloudwatcher]: there are flying squirls!!! they kinnda have skin that streches and makes wings, kinnda..

[froglegs]: then they float right... not really fly

[Cloudwatcher]: they are called FLYING squirls!

[froglegs]: no floating squirls...

[Cloudwatcher]: but they are CALLED FLYING squirls

[froglegs]: not in my book...

[Cloudwatcher]: well, i cant change that....

[froglegs]: you call them flying squirls and ill call them floating squirls ... how bout that?

[Cloudwatcher]: sure. ..."floating"??? its more glidin the floating...

[froglegs]: dude your taking this squirl thing a bit to the extreme

[Cloudwatcher]: maybe...but its all there was to talk chalenged me! what was i supoosed to do?? LEt yOu win?!? HA! lol

[froglegs]: but it was a flying squirl moose... mosses cant fly

[Cloudwatcher]: they can in my book!!!!

[froglegs]: ummm... what ever

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